Yay! The Dogs Are Back!
A couple of Saturdays ago, Westport went absolutely nuts! It happened right around noon, when that guy Joe was announced as our next
President. Cars honking all up and down the Post Road, and Compo Road South! Everyone grinning and shouting! Beagle Man went for a long ride on his bike, blowing his whistle like crazy! Out of nowhere, it was like one huge party broke out! I get that Joe’s win was a big deal, but for me, there’s even bigger news: Come January, I hear, there are gonna be two dogs in the White House! (That is, if they can ever get that current guy
out . .) How cool is that??!! Joe’s dogs, Champ and Major, are both German Shepherds. I’ve always liked German Shepherds! There’s my friend Luke II. And Luke I before him. And there’s Daisy, the pretty one I always sniff on Soundview. Of course, there’s also Bruno, at the dog park, who steals my tennis ball and refuses to give it back. But Ruckus, my nephew, and Grace, my neighbor, do the exact same thing, so it’s no big deal. All right, so Champ and Major, I know your guy’s got a lot of stuff to do in his first 100 days. But here’s what I want the two of you to concentrate on: 1. Dogs allowed all year on Compo Beach, not just the measly six months we get now; 2. No hose showers after swimming — ever! 3. Eat all you want, whenever you want; 4. Dogs get to vote in 2024. Thanks, guys, that’s it for now. Oh, and one last thing: Don’t worry about your new house. It’s like six times the size of Joe’s old place at the Naval Observatory! I had to move to a new house, too, not long ago. You’ll get used to it.
Beagle Man always has a lot to say, so I’ll just pipe up in The Duck Dog Speaks whenever I can.
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- Lang Allen on THE DROOLER
- Laura Davenport on THE DROOLER
Love the White House photo caption! And…what?!! Kemba you know another “Grace” canine now..and she is even your NEIGHBOR? Sigh, Amazing Grace And PS, yeah it will be fun to see Joe’s dogs at the big house!
Comment 2 on sane post: Okay so..now I’m reading recent posts in reverse order, and I see your neighbor Grace listed as one of the things you really like back in October post..AND that she also runs really fast (remember me showing you my galloping prowess when you were here? I still have the videos:). Well I’m a little jealous, but honestly glad you’ve got some good neighborly company (although I am the one named AMAZING Grace)
And wow I also saw my old friend LANG ALLEN responding to that post!! Lang if you’re seeing this, it is Laura M. from our consulting days:) and yes indeed, Beagle Man and Kemba HAVE visited us here in Illinois!