I just found out that Beagle Man pays Elise and Frankie when he leaves me with them. And I have to say, that doesn’t really make sense to me.
I work for them. Pretty much the whole time that I’m there. Frankie even calls me his “apprentice.” During my last stay, I helped him with his music, jamming with him in his studio. You can see for yourself in the photo.
Here are just a few of the other jobs I’ve done:
• I taught Elise’s sister how to throw balls to me. She has a bit of a phobia about dogs — especially the way stuff feels after it’s all gooped up from a dog’s mouth. But after I worked with her, and got her to start wearing nitrile gloves, and showed her how to hold the ball with just the tips of two fingers, she did just fine! Progress!
• Similarly, I’ve been drilling Elise’s dad on dog breeds. He keeps asking me what kind of retriever I am. And I keep telling him, Duck Toller. Over and over again. He’s starting to get it.
• When Frankie and Elise’s dad were working on the shed in the backyard, I pitched in continually by dropping my ball at their feet. I’ve also helped Frankie build guitar cabinets. All this in addition to my regular job as assistant sound mixer.
• I take care of their dogs — Pepper, Debit, and Spare Change — all the time. Well, maybe not “take care of.” Maybe “play with” would be more like it. Okay, okay — “annoy.”
If Beagle Man and Elise want to keep going with their current arrangement, that’s fine with me. I just like to think I’m earning my keep.
Beagle Man always has a lot to say, so I’ll just pipe up in The Duck Dog Speaks whenever I can.
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