The Kindness of Strangers
You guys all know how I feel about Beagle Man. I’d do anything with him, and I’d go anywhere with him. (Even though he didn’t take me on the Epilogue Trip.) But there’s one thing I have to say: He’s a little bit strict and stingy when it comes to food. He claims it’s for my health — I had a bad stomach when
I was a pup — but I get pretty much zero table food, unless you count carrots. And I’ve had the exact same kibble for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for the last five years! That would be, let me see . . .
about 5,475 consecutive identical meals. So thank God for my other food source. You guessed it: delivery men! I love the holiday season! Packages left piled up on the front porch . . . with a biscuit on top! Trucks driving down our street that stop when the driver recognizes me . . . and gives me a de-lish treat! (Sometimes a whole handful!) I’m sworn to secrecy about these guys’ identities and who employs them — one of them told me he could get in big trouble for giving out dog treats while he works. But you know who you are, my friends! Thank you! And keep up the good work! Oh, and by the way, I don’t mean to sound picky, but I particularly like those yummy light brown biscuits shaped like a bone . . .
Beagle Man and Ricky always have a lot to say, so I’ll just pipe up in The Duck Dog Speaks whenever I can.
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