Playing It Smart in the Dog Park
I hear Ricky was kind of disappointed with my first Duck Dog post. Said I bounced around from topic to topic — “like a pinball.” I get the feeling he was trying to say I’m immature. I understand what he means. It’s just that I get really excited by a lot of different things. I’m not even 8 months old, don’t
forget! He also accused me of being over-eager — maybe even pushy? — at the dog park. And that I should try playing a little hard-to-get. Sorry, but that’s just not possible. I’m way too social, and I’m not into that kind of game-playing. When I see a dog I like — and that’s pretty much every dog — I’m not going to waste time; I’m gonna run right up and stick my nose into his or her business. One thing I’ve noticed is that while Beagle Man lets me do whatever I want in the dog park — he says it’s “my time” — he does like it when I pick the “right” dogs to hang with. Like on Wednesday, he really got a kick out of it when Barkley the Beagle and I hit it off so well. And he was glad I chose Cosmo the Australian Shepherd yesterday, cause he got to meet her owner, Clare Carey, who’s an actress — in TV shows like Coach, Point Pleasant, and Jericho. And today I had an amazing time with Van, a brindle boxer/pit bull/something-else mix, who had as much energy as I do. And his owner was Will McMahon, another actor: Days of Our Lives on TV, and Cardinal Matter and Devil’s Night in the movies. Beagle Man seemed real happy with these choices, so I guess I’m doing all right.
Beagle Man and Ricky have an awful lot to say, so I’ll just pipe up in The Duck Dog Speaks whenever I can.
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