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Posted on by Kemba

logoI hope I don’t sound too full of myself when I tell you I have tons of admirers.  “OMG, that’s the most gorgeous dog I’ve ever seen!”  “Eight years old??!!  Look at that face!  I thought he was still a puppy.”  “What kind of dog is that?  He’s beautiful!”  That kind of thing.  I hear it a lot.

But my two biggest fans are these two sisters whose mom was my mom’s roommate in college:

Introducing . . . Yellow Girl!

Randi and Samantha.  They love me.  (Hey, shout out to Sam on her birthday today!)  They’ve visited us at the beach in Montauk a bunch of times, and both of them are happy to play with me forever.  The last time we were all together, Randi told Beagle Man she wanted a dog just like me, and asked him about where I’m from, which is Saltydog Kennels in

Randi (left) & Samantha (right): Prez and VP of my fan club

Ardoise, Nova Scotia.  Beagle Man gets asked that question a lot, but as far as I know, only once did it actually result in another Duck Toller coming down to these parts: That’s my buddy Griffin, who belongs to Robin and Nico, near Beachside Avenue, right here in Westport.

But now, we have another Saltydog Toller crossing the Canadian border, thanks to yours truly:  Randi and her fiancé, Peter, are heading up to Nova Scotia in less than two weeks to bring “Yellow Girl” home to their place in the East Village.  (“Yellow Girl” is how Steve and Shelley identify her within the litter.  I was known as “Green Collar.”)  Yellow Girl is almost eight weeks old — born on November 25, the day after

1st pic
Here’s the first photo they ever saw of Yellow Girl: no wonder they picked her. (Look out, duck!)

Thanksgiving.  And she’s coming down here by plane!  I’ve never done this myself, and it sounds kind of scary, but I hear Steve and Shelley have already ordered her a carrier so she can start practicing for the trip.

I can’t wait to meet this cutie.  (Check out her pics!)  I’m sure we’ll all get together at the beach this summer, and by then she should have her real name.  Sam’s been calling her Flo, for some reason, and her registered Canadian Kennel Club name is Saltydog’s India Blackball.  (Something to do with sailing.)  Randi says she wants to get to know the little critter before deciding on a permanent name.

Me?  I kind of like Yellow Girl.

Beagle Man always has a lot to say, so I’ll just pipe up in The Duck Dog Speaks whenever I can.

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