Your Dog Ate What???
Dog owners are always trying to one-up each other. My last post on Ricky’s relentless pursuit of food elicited comments from followers about their own beagles’ never-ending quest. One reader says her Boo has snagged and devoured a tray of fudge, toffee bars, a pound of cheese, a pound of ham — and frozen apple porkchops that were defrosting on the kitchen counter.
Another writes that her dog ate a pound of Hershey’s kisses (he unwrapped it very neatly), frozen hamburgers, a hot dog with the works, bag and all — and a light bulb!!!
Okay, so back to Ricky. One Christmas Eve, my oldest son Matt boxed and wrapped one solitary French fry for Ricky, and left it under the tree. On Christmas morning, we found the box chewed open and the French fry gone; all the other boxes had been sifted through but were otherwise undisturbed. This last Christmas morning, while we were all engaged in wild unwrapping, Ricky quietly made off with a package and dragged it into the privacy of the living room. Apparently he thought it was another French fry, or some other edible delight. As it turned out, it was a hand-carved wooden wine-holder Matt had brought back from
Argentina — but Ricky ate it anyway. Last week he gobbled up all the styrofoam chips that came with the packaging of a decorative surf board. Other staples of his diet include soil from the flower beds, assorted small branches, clods of grass that have fallen from lawn mowers, used tissues from bathroom waste baskets, and his ultimate favorite: his own . . . well, I won’t go into that here. I don’t even like to think about it.
But a light bulb???!!!
What’s the strangest/most impressive thing your dog ever ate? Send your comments to BEAGLE MAN. The winner’s name and photo will appear in an upcoming post.
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- Lang Allen on THE DROOLER
- Laura Davenport on THE DROOLER
Our last dog (a standard poodle, not even a beagle) ate a pair of panty hose. So dangerous and not a pretty job to get it out. Picture a clown pulling an endless row of handkerchiefs tied together. Endless.