Why You Gotta Be So Mean?
Robby and his college friends, Sam and Jon, had just come back from golf at Longshore. Though I’d been hanging with them just a few hours earlier, I act as if I haven’t seen them in years — I do this — my tail wagging furiously. So of course they
make a huge fuss over me, which is what I was after. So far so good. Sam and Jon say goodbye to Robby, open the car doors, and get ready to drive back to Long Island.
Jon’s SUV looks a lot like Robby’s Pathfinder — right down to the USC decal on the rear windshield. So I try to jump in. Next thing, they’re all doubled over, laughing hysterically. And I hear Beagle Man, with that know-it-all tone of his, saying, “What did I tell you?!” Then he pulls me out of the car. Turns out I’m not going anywhere. I learn later he’d said to them: “Let Ricky follow you out to the driveway. I’ll bet you anything he tries to jump into your car. He loves cars more than anything in the world.” Okay, I love cars. So sue me. I actually fail to see the humor in all this. I just thought it was mean. Later, I could tell that B-Man felt bad about it. He kept calling me a “good boy” and slipping me treats. So at least there was that.
The Roof Rack Report (#roofrackreport on Twitter, for those who follow me already on @BeagleManHank) appears on Mondays, usually. It’s about politics, travel, food . . . important stuff like that.
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