Whoa — S-L-O-W Down, K-Dawg!
So I see the pup has finally found his voice (The Duck Dog Speaks, April 2). Good for you, little Kemba! I was kinda wondering when you’d start chiming in. Here’s a little tip for you: Slow down. In your first post you bounce around to like 8 different topics — eating paper . . . dog parks . . . scary horses . . . your
new logo (nice, by the way) — like a pinball. No offense, but you sound a little ADD. Same with your dog park behavior: You don’t have to be that eager. You’re a good-looking dude. Nothing wrong with playing a little hard-to-get. Always worked for me. By the way, I see you’ve found my favorite spot for those hot days in the desert out west: on the floor, in front of the shotgun seat. And you’ve done me one better: You do it on the other side, too. Word of advice? Not cool. Kinda hard for the Beagle Man to drive with you lying on the gas and the brake pedal. Anyway, you are going to L-O-V-E love Santa Monica — especially the promenade along the beach. Dog heaven. Good-looking dogs all over the place. Just a tip though, for later today when you check into the Loews? If the B-Man takes you through the revolving door, watch your paws. I tell you this from very painful experience. P.S. This morning, after the big guy fed you breakfast and then went back to sleep, you really shouldn’t have eaten his blue-and-green flip-flops. Those were his favorites, and the only ones he brought. That’s the kind of stuff that upsets him.
The Roof Rack Report (#roofrackreport on Twitter, for those who follow me already on @BeagleManHank) appears on Mondays, usually. Actually, whenever Beagle Man decides to give me some space . . .
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- Lang Allen on THE DROOLER
- Laura Davenport on THE DROOLER
Ok, Hank: How long did it take for you to buy new flip flops?
Also, are the snake guys there on the beach? Wondering how curious Kemba is about them?
Ricky….great to hear you weigh on on LA/XC IV. I, too, thought Kemba’s first posting was pretty good for the first time out of the shoot, but was littered with a few rookie mistakes. He’s still young and should get better. Not sure about you, but I am kind of looking forward to the post-LA portion of the trip when BM starts his return by heading North and then East. I forget the whole itinerary, but I am hoping….make that praying…that he heads into Oregon…Eugene, specifically. You know what is there? U of Oregon….you know what their mascot is? The DUCKS!! How great will that be? Kemba going totally beserk with all those ducks around. That should be a riot…..make sure you don’t sleep through it!