Thanks a Lot, Beagle Man!
It’s a good thing we’re almost back in CT, because I’m just about at the end of my leash. I think by now most of you have recognized my Roof Rack Reports as an attempt to establish my independence, and to distance my astute political commentary from Beagle Man’s numbskull ramblings about sports, music, and touristy sight-seeing. So what does B-Man do when we’re in Atlanta and I have my one chance to meet a true political rock star? He leaves me with Allison the Dog Sitter! Yeah, that’s right, he goes trotting off to the Falcons game (how many
football games can one man watch on a cross-country trip???!!!) with his buddies Rich and Terrin, and gets to meet Jimmy Carter on the sidelines! Jimmy Carter! Grandpa of the journalist who broke the story about Seamus’ dad’s now-famous “47%” comment! The man Mitt and Paul and their elephant pals like to compare Barry to all the time! And did the B-Man even appreciate the moment? Are you kidding? I’m sure he’d rather have had his picture taken with Roddy White! And I’ll bet Jimmy would have given me some peanuts, too . . .
I plan to write The Roof Rack Report for this blog (#roofrackreport on Twitter, for those who follow me already on @BeagleManHank) as often as I can while we’re on the road. But if there’s only time for The Roof Rack Report or food, I can tell you right now what it’s gonna be.
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- Lang Allen on THE DROOLER
- Laura Davenport on THE DROOLER
It was great fun but too short! I’m still not recovered from the game!
Awesome! I am so impressed by what you have done and by what situations and meetings you and Ricky have orchestrated!!!
Ricky, I am so loving your insights! I think your job should be as beagle reporter at large on Morning Joe.
btw, the beaches are open to us as of TODAY, so maybe we can meet a Burying Hill upon your return.
Best regards, Jake Friedman
No Ricky, you’d probably have peed on his shoes.