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So we’re back in Santa Monica, staying at the Hotel California this time.  Right next door to the Loews.  Now correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we just leave Santa Monica on Wednesday?  Only Beagle Man could come up with an itinerary like this one.  And I thought I’d made it pretty clear I’d ha…
LA/XC-3 2013 LA/XC-3 DAYS TWELVE, THIRTEEN, AND FOURTEEN:  L.A./SANTA MONICA, AND THE PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY FROM SANTA MONICA TO CAMBRIA Day Fourteen mileage:  238.7 Total LA/XC-3 mileage: 3,689.2 Road music:  Joe Walsh (A…
LA/XC-3 2013 LA/XC-3 DAYS EIGHT, NINE, TEN, AND ELEVEN:  BRYCE CANYON, UTAH; HOOVER DAM, NEVADA-ARIZONA; L.A. AND SANTA MONICA Day Eight mileage:  337.4  Day Nine mileage:  326.2  Total LA/XC-3 mileage (to Loews Santa Mon…
I cannot wait to tell you about one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard!  Beagle Man says the kid must have been super drunk.  Robby’s sure he was high.  I just think he was really, really dumb.  Anyway, B-Man and I had just reached the USC campus at about 6 o’clock Friday night, after over…
LA/XC-3 DAYS FIVE, SIX, AND SEVEN: GOODLAND, KANSAS; GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO; BRYCE CANYON, UTAH LA/XC-3 2013 Day Five mileage:  430.1 Day Six mileage:  371.1 Day Seven mileage:  420.2 Total LA/XC-3 mileage: 2,587.2 R…
I’m not really sure if there’s any logic to the connection between how the Jets do on the field and how I get treated — but it’s sure as hell there!  On Sunday, when Tampa Bay had all but stuck a fork in the Jets, Beagle Man was giving me zero treats, was late on my 3PM meds-and-banana, and was …
LA/XC-3 DAYS TWO, THREE, AND FOUR:  COLUMBUS, OHIO; ST. LOUIS AND INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI LA/XC-3 2013 Day Two mileage:  211.7 Day Three mileage:  475.4 Day Four mileage:  243.9 Total LA/XC-3 mileage: 1,364.8 Road music:  ES…
I’ve been meaning to address this for a long time:  I don’t know why Beagle Man treats me like fine china.  It’s nuts.  Two years ago, on LA/XC-1, he wouldn’t carry his stuff from the car to the motel room without keeping me right alongside him on the leash.  Last year he got the brilliant idea o…
LA/XC-3 2013 LA/XC-3 DAY ONE:  MERCER, PA Today’s mileage:  433.6 Total LA/XC-3 mileage: 433.6 Road Music:  ESPN New York (lasted till Delaware Water Gap); CNN; the Highway (new country); Artist of the Day: Taylor Swift (n…
* * *  COUNTDOWN:  1 DAY TO LA/XC-3  * * * The last coffee run of the season: Geiger, Kelly, Greg, Beagle Man Officially stuck a fork in summer with our last bike ride to Jack’s Monday morning.  I know, I know — but it’s stil…




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