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GREETINGS FROM MOUNT SHASTA! LA/XC-4 2015 LA/XC-4 DAYS EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN, TWENTY, AND TWENTY-ONE:  POSTING FROM MOUNT SHASTA, CA Westbound mileage to L.A.: 3,602 Mileage while in L.A. area:  524 Three-day mileage from Santa…
LA/XC-4 DAYS FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN, AND SEVENTEEN:  POSTING FROM SANTA MONICA GREETINGS FROM SANTA YNEZ! LA/XC-4 2015 Yesterday Carol, Kemba, and I drove up the PCH to visit our good friends, former-Westporters Susan and…
I hear Ricky was kind of disappointed with my first Duck Dog post.  Said I bounced around from topic to topic — “like a pinball.”  I get the feeling he was trying to say I’m immature.  I understand what he means.  It’s just that I get really excited by a lot of different things.  I’m not even 8 m…
LA/XC-4 DAYS TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE AND THIRTEEN:  POSTING FROM SANTA MONICA GREETINGS FROM CALI! LA/XC-4 2015 Two-day mileage (Tempe, AZ to Los Angeles):  447 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  3,602 Road Music:  Sunday:  Sirius Radio —…
So I see the pup has finally found his voice (The Duck Dog Speaks, April 2).  Good for you, little Kemba!  I was kinda wondering when you’d start chiming in.  Here’s a little tip for you:  Slow down.  In your first post you bounce around to like 8 different topics — eating paper . . . dog parks ….
LA/XC-4 DAY NINE:  POSTING FROM TEMPE, ARIZONA GREETINGS FROM ARIZONA! LA/XC-4 2015 Today’s mileage:  387 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  3,155 Road Music:  Sirius cycle; Green Day’s American Idiot; Duke vs. Michigan State Weath…
GREETINGS FROM NEW MEXICO! LA/XC-4 2015 Kemba catches his breath after shagging flies in Sonora LA/XC-4 DAY EIGHT:  POSTING FROM LAS CRUCES, NM Today’s m…
LA/XC-4 DAYS FIVE, SIX, AND SEVEN:  POSTING FROM SONORA, TX GREETINGS FROM TEXAS! LA/XC-4 2015 Three-day mileage:  1,079 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  2,344 Road Music:  Sirius cycle; all my Carrie Underwood, in honor of passing …
Every morning I eat something I’m not supposed to.  Back in Waynesboro, VA, the desk clerk slipped a
[caption id="attachment_4948" align="alignright" width="150"] GREETINGS FROM TENNESSEE! LA/XC-4 2015 LA/XC-4 DAYS THREE AND FOUR:  POSTING FROM MEMPHIS, TN Two-day mileage:  767 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  1,265 Road Music:  One-with-nature quiet time on the Blue Ridge Parkway; then March…




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