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 There was this Looney Tunes cartoon when I was little: This old man’s walking down the street, when he comes across a dancing frog in a top hat singing “Hello! Ma Baby.” He can’t believe his eyes! But when he tries to show his discovery to literally anyone else on the planet, the frog just s…
For the first half of my life, everything I knew about music I learned from the back seat of my dad’s car. Dire Straits (Brothers in Arms), Bryan Adams (Cuts Like a Knife, Reckless), Tom Petty (Full Moon Fever, Wildflowers, Greatest Hits), John Mellencamp (then “Cougar”) (American Fool), John Fog…
GREETINGS FROM MOUNT SHASTA! LA/XC-4 2015 LA/XC-4 DAYS EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN, TWENTY, AND TWENTY-ONE:  POSTING FROM MOUNT SHASTA, CA Westbound mileage to L.A.: 3,602 Mileage while in L.A. area:  524 Three-day mileage from Santa…
LA/XC-4 DAYS FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN, AND SEVENTEEN:  POSTING FROM SANTA MONICA GREETINGS FROM SANTA YNEZ! LA/XC-4 2015 Yesterday Carol, Kemba, and I drove up the PCH to visit our good friends, former-Westporters Susan and…
I hear Ricky was kind of disappointed with my first Duck Dog post.  Said I bounced around from topic to topic — “like a pinball.”  I get the feeling he was trying to say I’m immature.  I understand what he means.  It’s just that I get really excited by a lot of different things.  I’m not even 8 m…
LA/XC-4 DAYS TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE AND THIRTEEN:  POSTING FROM SANTA MONICA GREETINGS FROM CALI! LA/XC-4 2015 Two-day mileage (Tempe, AZ to Los Angeles):  447 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  3,602 Road Music:  Sunday:  Sirius Radio —…
So I see the pup has finally found his voice (The Duck Dog Speaks, April 2).  Good for you, little Kemba!  I was kinda wondering when you’d start chiming in.  Here’s a little tip for you:  Slow down.  In your first post you bounce around to like 8 different topics — eating paper . . . dog parks ….
LA/XC-4 DAY NINE:  POSTING FROM TEMPE, ARIZONA GREETINGS FROM ARIZONA! LA/XC-4 2015 Today’s mileage:  387 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  3,155 Road Music:  Sirius cycle; Green Day’s American Idiot; Duke vs. Michigan State Weath…
GREETINGS FROM NEW MEXICO! LA/XC-4 2015 Kemba catches his breath after shagging flies in Sonora LA/XC-4 DAY EIGHT:  POSTING FROM LAS CRUCES, NM Today’s m…
LA/XC-4 DAYS FIVE, SIX, AND SEVEN:  POSTING FROM SONORA, TX GREETINGS FROM TEXAS! LA/XC-4 2015 Three-day mileage:  1,079 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  2,344 Road Music:  Sirius cycle; all my Carrie Underwood, in honor of passing …




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