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Tulip plant (minus tulip) I only heard about all this last week. Apparently Luz, who most of you know as Robby’s old baby-sitter and patron saint of Ricky, Kemba, and all dogs everywhere, had planted some tulip seeds two, may…
Best friends Patty, the youngest of my three nieces, and Teddy, her husband, have a four-and-a-half-year-old black Lab named Bruce.  Bruce might just be the nicest dog you’ll ever meet: mellow, friendly, good-natured, well-tr…
I am having the best time EV-ER!  We’re out at the beach in Montauk, and Patty and Teddy brought my cousin Bruce.  This is Me and my cousin Bruce the first time I’ve met him, but he is the GREATEST!  I love this guy!  At the …
Where he is . . . This past weekend Kemba jumped off the roof. Yes, my writing students at Blackham Middle School in Bridgeport, this is hyperbole.  But not by much. Wait, though.  Let’s back up a little. From the time Kemba …
I am SO, SO, SO excited!  Mrs. B told me that to welcome me and Beagle Man home from LA/XC-4, and to celebrate the completion of Beagle Man’s series of four cross-country road trips, and to congratulate Robby on his college graduation, she’s throwing a big backyard barbecue FOR ALL THE DOGS I KNO…
LA/XC-4 DAY THIRTY-ONE:  POSTING FROM WESTPORT, CT GREETINGS FROM CONNECTICUT! LA/XC-4 2015 Last-day mileage from Port Clinton, OH to Westport, Ct:  571 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  8,710 Road Music:  Sirius cycle; Spurs-Clipp…
When I’m not writing for Beagle Man, I’m writing for brands. So here’s a summary of my trip in the form of a Best Western commercial. Best Western Hotels/”Hank and Kemba”  :30  WE OPEN ON A MAN AND HIS DOG WALKING INTO THE LOBBY OF A BEST WESTERN. WE HEAR HIS VOICE FROM OFF-CAMERA. VO: Every yea…
GREETINGS FROM OHIO! LA/XC-4 2015 LA/XC-4 DAYS TWENTY-NINE AND THIRTY:  POSTING FROM PORT CLINTON, OHIO Two-day mileage from Kenosha, WI to Port Clinton, OH:  481 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  8,139 Road Music:  “Sweet Home Alab…
GREETINGS FROM WISCONSIN! LA/XC-4 2015 LA/XC-4 DAYS TWENTY-TWO THROUGH TWENTY-EIGHT:  POSTING FROM KENOSHA, WI Seven-day mileage from Mount Shasta, CA to Kenosha, WI:  2,761 Total LA/XC-4 mileage:  7,659 Road Music:  Siriu…
Help me out here.  I really do want to play by the rules . . . but what are the rules?  As far as I can tell, they keep changing.  Last It’s what I do . . . Monday, down at Huntington Beach in California (seems like a long ti…




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