What the Heck Is a Malcolm?
Strangest thing: We were down at Burying Hill Beach earlier this week, and Beagle Man reached back with the Chuckit and flung a tennis ball far out into the water, as usual. Of course, I dove in to swim and get it. Duh. Now the water’s starting to get a little
Maybe Fogerty?
200. Ain’t Dead Yet / Sonia Leigh / 2011 (55)
199. Hit Me With Your Best Shot / Pat Benatar / 1980 (200)
198. Gimme Shelter / Rolling Stones / 1969 (12…
The Countdown Begins . . .
Does Neil make it to Rushmore???
Love my selections or hate ’em, I wanna hear from you! Just go down to the “Leave a Reply” blue bar at the bottom of this post, then type your remarks in the “Submit Comment” box. Come on, @…
Ohmygod! The Top 300, Revised
[Note from the Beagle Man: Once a year we move doggie matters to the back burner and turn to my other obsession, rock-and-roll. (Oh, yeah, there’s sports, too, of course. That’s pretty much it . . . that’s my life. A bit narrow, maybe . . . but works for me.) What follows is the “pre-read” …
Go Ahead, Make My Day
I couldn’t believe it when I saw the Marine Patrol four-wheel drive stop in the sand right behind our chairs. What the heck???!!! We just got our case dismissed on Monday, and here we were on Thursday, getting hassled again?? The officer got out and walked toward us with this arrogant, fake-ch…
Case Dismissed!
Kemba romps on the beach with pal Dublin (that’s Pumbaa in his mouth) days before he’s officially declared “free”
Let’s hear it for Officer Mike!
Quick review: Officer Mike was the one who gave Kemba/Kelly the off-leash tick…
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