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I’m not gonna lie:  We didn’t hit it off right away, Rosie and me.  It felt kind of like one of those arranged marriages you hear about.  Just because Tana and Beagle Man want to hang out on the bench in front of Jack’s Coffee with their breakfast sandwiches and Please note the Canadian flag Party favors “Hey, could you bring down some rope from the house so we can cordon off our section of the beach to stop the …
I pulled up to the fence outside Jack’s Coffee in Amagansett on my bike.  Greg and Kelly were Kemba? already there, sitting on one of the benches.  Greg had just finished his workout across the street at Barry’s Bootcamp.  Ke…
Hey, it’s me.  Kemba.  Again.  Yup, that’s three posts in a row from me:  A MY PALS (Ruckus); a Duck Dog Speaks (Salty Dog), and now another MY PALS.  Anyone get the feeling that Beagle Man isn’t doing
My first summer out here in Amagansett — the summer of ’15, when I was 10 months old — I did something that really freaked out Beagle Man and Mom.  Beagle Man had gone for a bike ride, and I was hanging with Mom on the deck outside their bedroom.  Then she decided to go for her walk, and assumed …
Of course my first MY PALS column is about Ruckus:  He’s more than my pal — he’s my brother. [caption id="attachment_6682" align="alignright" width="300"] The only car Rucky likes . . . We do everything together.  Everything.  If I pee, he’ll pee right over it.  Same spot.  And vice ver…
Hank’s Gang: L-R, standing: Edith, Jorion, Ashley, Jaysa, Aaliyah; Foreground: Victoria (Edith’s little sister), Kelly, Kemba In my most recent post, I wrote about the dogs who crashed my high school reunion two weeks ago.  W…
. . . And no, Kemba wasn’t one of them. Yup. The Beagle Man. But he certainly got his share of notoriety in absentia!  Sandy Stark, the first of my classmates to spot me as I cruised through the doors of the Teaneck (NJ) Marr…
Beagle Man and the Missus spent three days last week in Nashville.  Maybe you remember that I’ve been to Nashville a couple of times myself?  [September 2011, LA/XC-1, Ricky Storms N-ville;
It’s 9:15 AM — a gorgeous, blue-sky spring day.  I’m driving over to Winslow Park [caption id="attachment_6613" align="alignright" width="227"] My boys for a fun, relaxing time with my boys, Kemba and Ruckus. I park in the Westport Playhouse lot, in the absolute closest spot to the off-…




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