Yup, that’s a cone all right that you see Kemba wearing. “Cone of shame,” as some people call it. All of us have had to be subjected to this torture at one time or another. Like if you’ve
bloodied your paw on a razor-sharp rock, for instance, as I did that time at Gale Meadows Pond in Vermont, the cone will stop you from constantly licking it. Or if you get sutures in your lip, like Kemba just did, the cone will prevent him from scratching them. And believe me: Wearing one of these is not fun.
First of all, it’s hard to get used to how wide it is, so you go smashing into furniture as you try to make your way to the fridge. It’s also hard to get your head comfy when you want to relax. And the cone makes it a challenge to eat, which is only the most important activity of the day. Finally, for a dog like me, who spends 95% of his walking time with his nose to the ground, forget it. This contraption is godawful!
Apparently, though, for one dog, the cone was no big deal, and that would be Kemba the Wonderful, of course — at least according to Beagle Man. Handled it like a pro. Here’s B-Man, who constantly seems to be singing the K-Dawg’s praises, telling anyone willing to listen: “Honestly, Kemba just adjusted to the cone a lot better than Ricky did. He figured out right away how to navigate through tight spots. I thought eating would be a problem for him, but not at all. And when he wanted to rest, he’d just lay his head right down on the inside of the cone, and boom! — nap time. I’ll tell you, he’s one smart dog.”
And what was I in all this? Chopped liver? Talk about playing favorites.
The Roof Rack Report used to appear regularly on Mondays. Now it appears once in a blue moon, when Beagle Man deigns to give me some space . . .
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Awww poor Kemba. Cash just went thru this and we upgraded to the circle-pillow-of-shame,
Hope all is well.
Great to hear from you, Jess!
💐….positive, patient
How ARE you these days??
I guess, “Love the one you’re with.” Sorry Ricky!
Haha! Was thinking of the same phrase myself!
This brought back a great memory of our golden retriever, Barkley.
My husband was walking in the park with Barkley, who was wearing what we called his the “cone of shame.” A bunch of little boys ran up, saying “We know your dog! We love your dog!” Then, one kid looked at Barkley. . . then, up at Don . . . . and said “Is he hard of hearing?”