Clint vs. Scarlett
Yeah, I know it was a week ago, but I still find myself thinking about Clint Eastwood’s speech at the RNC. Kind of weird. Kind of creepy. And then I hear on CNN yesterday that Scarlett Johansson would be speaking up for Obama. Sure, I’m a dog, but I’d take Scarlett over Clint in a heartbeat. Since Beagle Man and I just happen to be on a major college campus right now — Penn State — I thought: Perfect opportunity to take the pulse. So I asked around, but all I got was “he’s kind of rigid” and “she’s really cool” — vague stuff. Then most of the kids admitted they hadn’t even seen the Eastwood speech, just heard about it or saw clips on YouTube. Naturally they’d all be
watching Obama last night, I assumed, but no — they were all heading to fraternity parties. Nobody seemed to be fired up. I even did a phoner with a west coast student (okay, it was Robby) to see if he was looking forward to the Obama speech. His response: “Do you think they’ll even show it live out here?” Then I realized the problem. It was Thursday. And as Robby’s explained to me a thousand times, at college, Thursday’s the weekend.
I plan to write The Roof Rack Report for this blog (#roofrackreport on Twitter, for those who follow me already on @BeagleManHank) as often as I can while we’re on the road. But if there’s only time for The Roof Rack Report or food, I can tell you right now what it’s gonna be.
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