Bowl Controversy
What is it with Beagle Man and my freakin’ bowls? Has he told you yet, very modestly, that to pull off a trip like this, with all the miles of driving, and the sight-seeing, and the visiting, and the blogging, and staying in a different motel every night, you have to be really efficient and really organized? Efficient? Organized? He’s lost six of my bowls since
last Thursday!!! He left my two very favorite ones at Tupelo’s house in Berkeley last week. Probably by now her creepy cat is eating and drinking out of them! To make up for the loss, he stole two bowls from a certain boutique hotel in Santa Monica he was mad at because their wi-fi stunk — and then he left those bowls somewhere a day later. Today he was down to using these mini-bowls, the ones Loews gives you to show how much they “love pets,” for a typical on-the-run meal behind the car at a Mickey D’s in Van Horn, Texas. And that’s exactly where he left them. The only reason he remembered is that he backed the car over them and crushed them both flat as a pancake. Oh, and did I tell you he left my favorite teddy bear, the one I’ve been fetching since I was a puppy, in our motel room either in El Centro, CA, or Lourdsburg, New Mexico? God, he is just so efficient and organized.
I plan to write The Roof Rack Report for this blog (#roofrackreport on Twitter, for those who follow me already on @BeagleManHank) as often as I can while we’re on the road. Provided, of course, I get my necessary allotment of food & sleep .
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