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Big Dean’s: Beagle Man’s Bar in Santa Monica

Posted on by Hank
B. o B.
Santa Monica


The first time we stayed in Santa Monica back in the spring of 2010, when Robby was in town for his first look at USC, I pegged Big Dean’s “Muscle In” Cafe as my perfect “home” beachside bar and hangout.  Right on the Santa Big Dean'sMonica/Venice Beach promenade, a couple of blocks from our hotel, in the shadow of the Santa Monica Pier, within eye-shot of the rings where the local show-offs do their amazing “Tarzanning” (I asked for a moreHH at Big Dean's technical term, but nobody knew, dude), and with a hitching post to tie up your dog, no less, this place had it going on. I’m now on (I think) my 8th stay in Santa Monica since then, and the only reason I can’t legitimately call Big Dean’s my place is that prior to today, I’d been there exactly zero times.  One time when I wanted to stop in Carol said she didn’t like the looks

Tarzanning on Santa Monica Beach

of it; another time our friend Rich opted for the Hot Dog Stick instead.  (He loves the lemonade there.)  Always something.  Today I made up for lost time, popping in twice: for lunch (cheese quesadillas), and later for a post-run Corona.  Introduced myself to Joe, my regular server at my new regular bar.

Today, our third full day in Santa Monica and the start of our third week on the road, was all about trying to

Dog Park Ricky
Dog park buds

Dog Park Grayrestore some semblance of normalcy after four days of crisis intervention for man’s best friend (seizures on Sunday; revolving door incident on Monday).  My high-maintenance traveling companion pretty much abandoned his limp this morning, which he’d been milking for the last few days, and he was fairly sociable with the other Santa Monica dogs in the cozy little pet exercise area Loews provides between their site and the beach.  We also had a second, longer walk along the promenade later in the day.  I can’t speak for Ricky, but I could spend forever on the promenade, taking in the passing freak show.  (And I mean that in a positive way.)

Kristi, Ricky, and Peanut

Spent yesterday afternoon in Laguna Beach with my good friend Kristi, her bichon, Peanut, and her two cats, Sophie and Sparky.  Had a delicious dinner at Rumari, my very favorite restaurant in Laguna.  (Okay, I’ve only been to two.)  Overall, a terrific day, in spite of my constant worry over Ricky, whose zombie-like behavior, I have to admit, had me a little spooked.  Really, really relieved that he snapped back to normal (and I use that term very loosely) today.

Btw, prior to this Santa Monica visit, I’d been a Shutters-on-the-Beach snob, staying at Loews only when traveling with Ricky.  No more.  This place has been so nice to Ricky in his time of need, and service overall has been so efficient and prompt and gracious and friendly, that it’s now going to be all-Loews all the time when we’re in Santa Monica.  I’m sure I’m missing a few names, but special kudos

Intimate dinner for 12 at the Yard House

to Nathan and Gary of valet parking and Christina at reception and Michael the head bellman and (other) Michael the concierge and David the bellman and Christopher the engineer and Kathryn the server at the bar/lounge and Julie, head of housekeeping and Mary, who’s been taking care of my room.  And an extra-special shout-out to Myra, who took care of Ricky and Beagle Man last year, and gave us a hero’s welcome when we checked in on Monday.

Just back from the Yard House restaurant in L.A. Live.  The place was huge! Seats 550 — way more than the population of a lot of towns I drove through.  We took Robby, his roommate, John, and their thousand closest friends out for dinner.  John’s parents and Carol arrived in town tonight, and joined us.  With Carol here, it’s no more mano a mano for me and Ricky — at least for a few days.  That should be a welcome change.  We probably don’t want to overdo this bonding thing.


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