Posts by Ricky
Westminster Shwestminster
I don’t mean to sound bitchy, but seriously, what does Rerun of Roirdan have that I don’t have? That’s the three-year-old who won best in breed for 13-inch beagles this morning at Westminster. Oh yeah, the “sire” is Ch Lanbur Carson City, and the “dam” is Encore Ginny Lind. Well, excuse me, bu…
Super Bowl Snub
Over the years I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. Whenever there’s a family celebration — particularly a celebration featuring food — I’m shipped out. Banished behind closed doors. Shut up in my crate. Shuttled over to Luz’s. It happens at Thanksgiving . . . and Passover . . . and July 4 barbe…
And This Is How They Spent Their Weekend?
We were in VT for the weekend. Yup, they finally took me along. It’s about time. Anyway, Beagle Man went skiing at Stratton on Saturday, with Greg & Kelly, Geiger & Ashley, and Fighting Geli-ni. It was 9 degrees when they left the house, and reached a high of 13. They took the lift to…
Destination Walks: Setting the Record Straight
Just what the world needed: Beagle Man’s ratings of my walks. I mean, really! How many times have I heard him tell people, “It’s his half hour (nodding at me), so we go wherever he wants. If he wants to just stand and sniff, then we stand and sniff.” Really? This morning, he’s all, let’s go…
Check It Out: Ricky’s Bar & Grill, Hank’s Fine Furniture!
Bet you didn’t know that Ricky’s Bar & Grill in Seattle has “nice healthy options” and “the staff is always very friendly and courteous”? (Insider Pages) Or that Hank’s Fine Furniture, with a whole bunch of locations in the South, has been repeatedly voted “the Best of the Best place to buy…
Fan Mail
I’ve been writing the Roof Rack Report for over three months now, and I’ve gotta say, the feedback has been a-mazing. Listen to this comment: You should take part in a contest for one of the best blogs on the web. I will recommend this site. Sweet! That one comes from a follower called “Where…
Santa, You Listening?
This is not my first rodeo. I know what goes on in this house in December. Everyone’s sending e-mails to everyone else, complete with links, telling “Santa” what they want for Christmas. Yesterday I overheard Beagle Man telling Greg he’d like a Muhammad Wilkerson jersey. How pathetic is that?…
Setting the Record Straight
Did it ever occur to anyone around here that the “What Ricky Likes” contest should have been judged by, uh — Ricky? Seriously. One of the reasons I’m so glad to finally have my own Roof Rack Report is that after hearing for over a year about what I supposedly think and what I supposedly like and…
LA/XC-3 — Already???!!!
You’re not gonna believe this, but last week I overheard Beagle Man and Matt talking about LA/XC-3 — the 2013 cross-country road trip. 2013? Didn’t we just get back? Not that I’m complaining. I could be on the road 365 days a year and be perfectly happy. The thing is, though, I’m not sure I li…
Brazilian Silliness
When Beagle Man introduced The Roof Rack Report in early September, he said I’m more of a “political animal” than he is. He got that right. But I gotta be honest with you: After the election, my interest in politics does, well, tail off a bit. So I hope you won’t mind if I veer off-track to a…
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