Posts by Hank
Impressive Take-off!
LA/XC-5 2016
Today’s mileage: 460.2
Total LA/XC-5 mileage: 460.2 (duh)
Road Music: Sirius Cycle (one-time-only explanation: I tend to start my road days with the news — especially…
Contingency Plans
* * *COUNTDOWN: 6 DAYS TO LA/XC-5 * * *
Once again, oldest son Matt will be hitching a ride for a short stretch
The official logo of LA/XC-5 (2016)
on my just-around-the-corner (starts in less than one week from today!) Beagl…
Kemba’s Dilemma
* * *COUNTDOWN: 28 DAYS TO LA/XC-5 * * *
Poor Kemba’s been coping with adversity this whole summer.
The purple ball
All my dog wants out of life is to fetch the purple squeaky rubber ball that I chuck into the ocean for him. …
Kemba’s Beach Birthday Bash Growing By Leaps and Bounds!
Last summer, Kemba’s first birthday celebration on #hermanbeach in
Party favors
Amagansett was a relatively low-key affair. Kept under wraps until the afternoon of the party, and even then only signaled by a small copy-paper…
To You, This Might Look Like Just Any Old Tennis Ball . . .
Got back from a quicky late-night bite at the Grey Goose. I’d been gone for maybe 45 minutes. Kemba greeted me, of course, at the playroom door, all in a lather. God forbid I’d get back from even the shortest trip without dropping everything to play with him.
“Come on, Handsome, let’s go out i…
Mighty Kemba at the Park
The outlook wasn’t sunny over Winslow Park that day;
Kemba and friend
But the parking lot was all but full, and Kemba still had to play.
And then when Patricia kicked the ball and Kemba went to get it,
Bullet snatched it clea…
No Robby? No Problem!
Kemba tells me he misses this view . . .
Was talking last Friday to one of my Hartford writing students — a hardcore dog lover who also happens to be a big-time fan of this blog. She knows pretty much all there is to know ab…
Big Bro, Little Bro
Kemba and Ruckus spent the long Memorial Day weekend together at the beach in
Synchronized front-door-watching
Montauk. The Tuesday after, our daughter-in-law Kelly told us, Ruckus refused to go to Biscuits & Bath, the d…
Give an Inch . . .
Home free
Last Sunday morning, 8AM, Robby stumbled into our bedroom. “Here’s Kemba,” he announced, then quickly ducked back into his own room before I could react. It would have been nice if he’d let Kemba out to pee and gi…
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- Hank on CONEHEAD